WVRA Call for Proposals for 2023 Reading Conference

April 18, 2023


Literacy is an all-encompassing term that includes reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Students need high quality instruction in all these areas to be successful in and out of the school environment, and to be career ready. In order for children to choose a career pathway, they must recognize their strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes. By providing an educational experience that allows them to be career ready, students have the lifelong skills to succeed.

Reading and writing are parallel activities and best practices have revealed that teaching the two together is beneficial instructionally for students. Incorporating listening and speaking enhances the entire literacy experience for students. We also must incorporate content area literacy throughout the day to expose our students to fiction and nonfiction texts that teach not only the standards, but also current events and real-world experiences. Through this model, students will begin to wonder what career path is right for them. Promoting being Career Ready in the classroom and teaching students through effective literacy instruction will ensure that our students will be successful in life.

± WVRA was founded to instill a love and respect for reading in our state

± Reading is emphasized, but best practices suggest that writing, listening and speaking are best taught in conjunction with reading

± The relationship between reading and writing is linear—better readers make better writers, better writers make better readers

± Focus on intertwining the reading and writing processes to enhance our students’ reading AND writing abilities (literacy)

± Incorporate all components of literacy across content areas

± Reading and writing are fundamental and necessary skills for those students on-track for attending college AND those on a career path after high school


Proposal Evaluation Criteria


v Strongly connects to the conference theme – Reading Opens Doors for the Future

v Incorporates technology, intergenerational, civic, or higher education partnerships.

v Adapts instruction for students with diverse and special needs.

v Integrates reading/English language arts instruction in all content areas.

v Integrates reading and writing instruction


Key Deadlines



v Notification of a proposal’s acceptance will be e-mailed to the author by September 7, 2023

v All program presenters must register for the conference and pay conference fees by October 16, 2023

v General Information

v Mail or electronically submit the complete proposal or proposals on or before AUGUST 15, 2023 to:


Anna Holst

1035 Norway Avenue

Huntington, WV 25705


304.549.3206 (cell)

WVRA Call for Proposal 2023




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