Attention 2023-24 Literature Fair County Coordinators Registering at GSU!
August 31, 2023
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We have gotten confirmation from Glenville State University that the WVRA Regional Literature Fair will be held on Saturday, October 28, 2023, at the GSU Waco Center!
West Liberty University is also planning on hosting a regional fair this year, and details will be forthcoming. Counties located in the upper half of the state may wish to take advantage of this new location to cut down on travel time. Please do NOT use the registration links on this post to register for the fair at West Liberty. These links are ONLY for the fair at Glenville State University!
County Contacts wishing to register for the fair at Glenville State University will need to upload project entrants by October 17 here and enter judges information here. We would like each county sending students to try to find at least 4-5 volunteers willing to serve as judges.
We are looking forward to another exciting and successful fair this year! See you there!
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