Secret Stories Training
On August 12th, 2022, Nicholas County Literacy Association partnered with WVRA to facilitate a professional development session featuring Katie Garner. Many Nicholas County elementary teachers, principals, and support staff attended along with several other educators from outside the county. Nicholas County teachers received a copy of Katie’s book, Secret Stories, along with a set of companion posters to jump-start the program in their classrooms this year. Members of NCLA and WVRA were invited to attend a special luncheon with Katie to learn more about her and her amazing phonics program, based on research and rooted in the science of reading and cognitive neuroscience. Upon the conclusion of the training, teachers felt empowered to begin the new school year and share Secret Stories with their students!
Meet & Greet with Author Michael Shoulders
On April 6th, 2022, the Nicholas County Literacy Association hosted a meet & greet with nationally acclaimed author Michael Shoulders. This event was held from 4:30-6:30 at the Nicholas County Career & Technical Center in Craigsville and was catered by the Nicholas County Career & Technical culinary arts department. This event was paid for with the $250 Dr. Mary Marockie A Touch of Class Award we received at last fall’s annual conference.
The Nicholas County Literacy Association would like to say a special “Thank You” to Michael for being our guest of honor and also to the West Virginia Reading Association for honoring us with this prestigious award!
Young Writers 2022 Banquet
We would like to extend a “thank you” to the Webster County Reading Association for inviting us to collaborate with them on a banquet in honor of the 2022 Young Writers Winners in Webster and Nicholas Counties.
The banquet was held on April 5th at Camp Caesar with a special presentation by national author Michael Shoulders. Italian cuisine was served. Each first place Nicholas County winner received a trophy and a certificate. Nicholas County 2nd and 3rd place winners received a ribbon and a certificate. Congratulations to all the winners!